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7 Causes of Excessive Sweating

Have you been waking up in a pool of sweat? Are you dripping wet after a light exercise? How about sweating profusely when you’re not hot or exerting any energy? You may be excessively sweating for any number of reasons, some of which may be related to a medical condition. To give you basic information on the issue, here are the top seven causes for excessive sweating.

Before we get into it, we want to make it absolutely clear that you MAY NOT suffer from ANY of these conditions. This article is meant to give you basic information on excessive sweating. It is not, in any way, meant to be used as a diagnosis. To get real answers, please speak to a licensed dermatologist.

1) Primary Hyperhidrosis

Primary hyperhidrosis is a condition in which your sweat glands are activated thanks to overactive nerves. This particular condition has no known medical cause and may be the result of heredity. Patients with primary hyperhidrosis typically experience sweating in the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, armpits, and groin and breast area.

2) Fever

Most people are aware that fever can cause sweating. This happens when your body is fighting some type of infection causing your body temperature to increase. As your temperature rises, you begin to sweat as a means to cool your body down. Sweating due to fever may also be accompanied by chills, shaking, headache, body aches, and overall weakness. To determine whether or not you have a fever, check your temperature with a thermometer. If your temperature is over 103-degrees Fahrenheit, you have a fever and should be wary of other symptoms. If those symptoms become unbearable, seek medical attention right away.

3) Diabetic Hypoglycemia

Individuals who have diabetes and find themselves sweating excessively may have diabetic hypoglycemia. This is a condition in which your blood sugar levels are low below 70 milligrams per deciliter. If this happens, correct your blood sugar levels immediately by consuming foods or drinks with simple sugars.

4) Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which your thyroids are producing too much thyroxine. Thyroxine is a hormone responsible for metabolism. When too much thyroxine floods your system, you will experience rapid heartbeat and rapid weight loss. This metabolic overdrive causes excessive sweating, increased appetite, anxiety, tremors, and more. This condition can only be treated via medication prescribed by a physician.

5) Heart Attack

Sudden excessive sweating is a very common sign of an oncoming heart attack. Heart attacks occur when something (usually plaque from fat or cholesterol buildup) blocks the blood flow to the heart. When the heart is deprived of blood, which also delivers oxygen, the body breaks out into a cold sweat and the person may experience pressure or tightness in the chest that travels to the arms and up to the neck and jaw. If you believe you or someone you know is having a heart attack, call 911 immediately.

6) Leukemia

Leukemia is a type of cancer most commonly found in the bone marrow and lymphatic system. This cancer causes the body to produce abnormal and improperly functioning white blood cells. White blood cells are responsible for fighting off foreign invaders that cause infections. While there are many symptoms of leukemia like bone pain, fever, multiple infections, and bruising, excessive nighttime sweating is among them. Be sure to visit a doctor for a proper diagnosis.

7) Obesity

Being overweight causes many problems as it forces the body to work double-time in order to function properly. This often causes excessive sweating. As the heart pumps harder to receive oxygenated blood cells, it raises the body temperature, resulting in sweating. Simple tasks like walking, standing, or sitting can also cause a person with obesity to sweat abnormally. Obesity doesn’t have to be a life sentence, however. Talk with your doctor about how you can regulate your life to become healthier.

Excessive sweating isn’t always a sign of something dramatic or life-threatening. The list above is just a few common causes, however, to know whether or not excessive sweating is something you should be worried about, talk to a doctor and receive personalized info.

If you are in the Cincinnati, Ohio area, our experts at The Dermatology Group are ready to discuss your symptoms and offer resources, advice, and treatment options. Give us a call today!

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