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How Will a Dermatologist Help with My Acne Problem

We all battle with acne, but instead of spending years and hundreds of dollars trying to tackle it at home, why not seek help from a professional?

A dermatologist can determine if you have acne by looking at your blemishes and taking note of where the outbreaks appear on your skin during your consultation. This aids them in devising an acne treatment plan that is beneficial specifically for your condition, its severity, and your skin type. They may also evaluate your past treatment history, possible conflicting skin conditions, and other factors when developing this strategy, including scar types and where the scars appear on your body.

You may often find yourself asking, “how do dermatologists treat acne?” Here’s how.

As we mentioned before, the best acne treatment strategy for you is determined by a variety of factors, including the type of acne you have (blackheads, pimples, etc.), where your acne appears, the types of treatments you have tried in the past, when the outbreaks first began, your age, and if you have dark patches or scars as a result of the acne. While treatment options may differ from one patient to the next, these guidelines are generally followed by an acne dermatologist for patients with the same types of conditions.

If you have your basic, run-of-the-mill whiteheads, blackheads, or both, you’ll probably need to use acne medicine. Most acne medications contain retinoids, a kind of vitamin A that is often combined with benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, and salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide and an antibiotic. When applied to the skin, this combination dries out the acne while simultaneously healing the inflammation and rejuvenating the skin to minimize scarring. Thanks to a spa-like treatment method called a chemical peel, you can go to your dermatologist and get what feels like a facial but is really the topical application of chemicals that will help slough away the old skin and make way for the newly generated skin.

Women tend to be more prone to acne breakouts thanks to the whirlwind of hormones they experience during menstruation and pregnancy. With this being the case, different types of treatment therapies may be deployed. FDA-approved oral contraceptives (aka birth control pills) are sought-after treatment options for some women who want to prevent pregnancy while simultaneously treating acne. For pregnant women, however, oral medication could be harmful to the fetus; therefore, your dermatologist may opt for topical creams that contain erythromycin (Erygel) and clindamycin (Cleocin T, Clindagel, others), which are considered generally safe.

For folks with more severe acne conditions, your dermatologist may additionally suggest that you include one of the following into your treatment plan to help you achieve the best results:

Light Therapy

Light therapy is a treatment option that uses light or laser technology to “zap” away acne on a molecular level. Light of various wavelengths interacts with the skin in different ways. Blue light is said to kill bacteria that cause breakouts while red light helps to promote healing and minimize scarring.

Corticosteroid Injection

This is considered a last resort type of situation if you have a massive, severe, and deep acne breakout. This can help to reduce the size of the breakout as well as the pain associated with it. This medication is effective; however, it can create adverse effects if used more than a few times.

A Good Diet

According to certain research, what you eat can help you have clearer skin. Fatty and oily foods are a literal recipe for disaster when it comes to acne. Eating fresh, raw produce will go a long way in helping your skin heal and giving it the best opportunity to be acne-free.

If you happen to be in Cincinnati, Ohio, our experts at The Dermatology Group can give you more insightful information. Book a consultation with us today to find out more about which acne treatment method is right for you.

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