Can Your Skin Stop Reacting Positively to Certain Products?
Picture this for a second: you notice that your skin has been exceptionally dry lately. No matter what products you pull from your bathroom cabinet, they don’t seem to help. So you turn to the first blog post you find online, and it claims that any product with a particular ingredient can completely eliminate your dryness. You try it and it works! However, it doesn’t just moisturize your skin, it causes a rash too. No matter the type of product you try, your skin is wonderfully moisturized, but the rashes persist. There has to be a way to get all the benefits of the product without the unwanted reaction, right? Let’s find out!
What to Know About a Product’s Impact on Skin
Why Does Skin React to Certain Products?
There are two types of skin reactions to beauty and cleaning products: irritation and skin allergy. Skin irritation is typically called irritant contact dermatitis. Believe it or not, this is the most common form of reaction brought on by a product. That’s because products may contain chemicals or other harmful ingredients that actually damage the skin. Irritants usually appear as burning, stinging, itchiness, or redness.
Allergies, known as allergic contact dermatitis, are a bit more specific to individuals and depend on your own sensitivities. This is typically brought on by fragrances or preservatives that you may be rather sensitive to. Allergic contact dermatitis usually appears as blisters, swelling, redness, rashes, etc.
Can Your Skin Stop Reacting to Them?
The million dollar question is, can your skin stop reacting to certain beauty and cleaning products? Unfortunately, the answer is that it’s unlikely. Having a reaction to a product is actually a good thing. It’s your body telling you that this particular product is harmful. It’s unlikely that it will start accepting something that is harmful.
There is a chance, however, that if the reaction was an allergic one due to skin sensitivity, you could potentially “outgrow” that sensitivity, thus stopping the reaction. This typically happens with younger children who simply develop stronger and thicker skin with a better shield, so to speak. However, being an adult, your skin is unlikely to change.
This doesn’t mean all hope is lost, however. Even if your skin can’t evolve to withstand irritants from certain products, you can keep your skin from battling such reactions.
How to Avoid Skin Reactions
The best way to avoid having a skin reaction is to know what to look out for. Irritant reactions can usually arise from products like soaps and detergents, makeup, moisturizers, nail polish, shampoos, and more. That’s because many of these products may contain ingredients like formaldehyde (yes, formaldehyde, but usually only in nail polish) and methacrylate (used to manufacture plastics). Even alpha-hydroxy acids can cause a reaction. Though AHAs are considered relatively safe, those with sensitivities may find products containing this ingredient problematic.
A good rule of thumb is to ALWAYS read the label. If you have sensitive skin, avoid products with chemicals, and if you’re unsure of a particular ingredient, never hesitate to Google it.
It’s also a good idea to fully understand your skin type. To do this, you’ll need to visit a licensed dermatologist who can help you learn all about your skin. If you’re in Cincinnati, Ohio, then you’re in luck! Our experts at The Dermatology Group are here to give you all the help you need. Give us a call today!