Is It Safe to Treat Vitiligo in the Winter?
Vitiligo is a condition in which the skin’s pigmentation is completely lost in one or more regions. It occurs when the cells that give skin its pigmentation, known as melanocytes, die or cease to function. Scientists believe that this disorder is frequently inherited and is commonly associated with autoimmune diseases. One possibility is that the immune system misidentifies melanocytes as foreign invaders and attacks them.
So, is vitiligo treatment safe in the winter? Yes, without a doubt. In fact, as difficult as it can be at times, it’s critical not to overlook skin care throughout the winter.
Seasonal changes can have a variety of effects on our skin, with harsh weather producing the most drastic results. Dry skin, rashes, irritation, and other issues are common during the winter. In addition, if you have a persistent skin problem, the cold weather can exacerbate your symptoms. During the winter months, vitiligo, a disorder that causes skin color loss in specific areas of the body, can worsen. There are a variety of therapies for vitiligo, but you might ask if the winter weather has an impact on the safety and efficacy of your treatments. Let’s find out.
What to Know About Winter and Vitiligo
The Relation Between Winter and Your Vitiligo
Some people with vitiligo prefer cold weather to hot weather. During the winter months, it’s less likely that people will see the white spots on your skin under sweaters and jackets.
Another reason why many vitiligo patients are concerned is due to the fear that after the winter season, new vitiligo spots will appear on their skin. Unfortunately, this is frequently the case, and there are several reasons for this.
Moderate levels of ultraviolet radiation, as we all know, are critical in the treatment of vitiligo. However, due to the climate in which they live, not everyone gets year-round access to sunlight; however, there is a remedy to this dilemma. You can take the necessary irradiation course not only at a professional clinic but also at home, thanks to specific ultraviolet lights.
Managing Vitiligo in Winter
When it’s chilly outside, you can protect your skin by wearing a coat, gloves, and scarf. There are other methods other than covering the discoloration when it comes to fading it. Vitiligo is not curable; however, it is treated in many cases with light therapy and medication.
Light therapies for vitiligo may be effective in repairing the skin tissue and causing re-pigmentation as a minimally invasive treatment. Dermatologists heat the skin with low-level UV rays and induce the vitamin D reaction, which promotes tissue recovery.
Another treatment option is medicine, with a topical corticosteroid being one of the most effective methods for controlling inflammation. This vitiligo treatment cream also has the added benefit of hydrating while it calms. A surgical procedure in which a piece of healthy skin from another part of your body is grafted into a depigmented area may be appropriate for certain conditions as well. Having this operation in the winter allows you to have the necessary downtime to heal without exposing the area to the sun.
To get more help with vitiligo in Cincinnati, Ohio, our experts at The Dermatology Group can provide advice, resources, and treatment options. Give us a call today!