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The Truth About Tanning: Are Tanning Beds Bad for the Skin or Can They Be Used Safely?

Are tanning beds safer than getting a tan outdoors? Are they even safe at all? If you’re under 35 years old and have been using a tanning bed to get that “glowing” tanned skin, we highly suggest that you reconsider this option.

According to the World Health Organization International Agency of Research and the US Department of Health and Human Services, UV radiation from artificial sources such as tanning beds can cause melanoma. These sources emit a similar and even stronger UV radiation than the sun, increasing your risk even more. Studies show that those under 35 years old are even more at risk.

Facts About Indoor Tanning That You Need to Know

Tanning is caused by UV rays either from the sun or tanning beds. Your skin prevents further injury by producing a skin pigment called melanin that results in darkening of the skin, or a tan. However, while you may think it provides you with a certain glow, getting a tan from artificial sources is never healthy. Below are some facts about indoor tanning that you need to know:

Indoor Tanning Is Dangerous

In one study, about 97 percent of those diagnosed with melanoma used tanning beds. They are never a safe alternative to sunlight; in fact, the intensity of the UV rays in tanning beds is even stronger and can severely damage your skin. It’s also associated with other health problems such as cataracts, premature aging, skin cancer, and cancer of the eye.

Not a Good Source of Vitamin D

UVB radiation leads to vitamin D production but indoor tanning is caused by UVA rays. That means that indoor tanning doesn’t supply you with vitamin D, it only increases your risk of skin cancer. The best sources for vitamin D include cod liver oil, salmon, egg yolks, mushrooms, and fortified food. Should you get sunlight, ensure that it’s in the early morning when the UV rays are not as dangerous.

You Age Quickly with Indoor Tanning

If you want to age gracefully, we highly recommend that you don’t try getting tanned. Tanning can damage your skin and makes your stretch marks even more noticeable. It causes DNA injury and leads to premature aging of your skin. You need to avoid it to prevent skin cancers and other health issues associated with tanning.

Contact the Dermatology Group

Have you been using tanning beds? If you suspect that you might be at risk for skin cancer, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Most skin cancers are curable with early detection. Signs you need to watch out for include a mole that changes in color, size, or texture, colored skin growths, or a mole that hurts or bleeds.

We are a team of medical experts committed to treating all skin conditions. Let us know if you have a skin condition or are experiencing discomfort, and we are more than happy to help. Don’t be afraid to talk to a dermatologist today – contact us now.

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